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17 | How To Improve Your Conversions Through Content Marketing

Content marketing is necessary for your digital marketing campaign regardless of the kind of business or brand you have started. You must understand just how important content is to your business. It is what helps you to engage your audience and improve your conversions.

Content marketing helps boost conversions because it allows you to connect with and educate your leads and customers. Not only are you working to build trust and relationships, but you are also encouraging conversions by giving consumers the information they need to make an educated decision about their purchase.

Here is how content marketing can improve your conversions and benefit your health and wellness business…

You can build trust with your audience through content marketing. Building trust with your audience will also improve your brand’s reputation. Your audience will form an opinion about your brand by reading your content. Provide them with substance and value. Engage them and maintain healthy interaction. Make them see your business as the leader in its industry or niche by posting great content that comes as an advantage to them.

Improve your search engine optimization. SEO efforts are an important factor in online content creation. It is what makes you visible to your audience in the search engines.

Optimizing your content is an effective SEO technique. You can do this by writing engaging, grammatically correct content using keywords and phrases that are widely searched for when it comes to your business niche. By using keywords, you will increase your visibility and climb the ranks of the search engine.

Content is not only effective but cost-efficient. Your content can increase your lead generation, generously and more importantly, inexpensively. Employing SEO techniques doesn’t increase your lead generation overnight but it is in fact, the greatest and most sufficient way to do so.

It is the best way to showcase what you’re made of. Your level of expertise is defined through your content. It is a way for you to show your audience how much you know and how well you know your industry. Give your audience information about your brand that is useful and valuable.

Publish amazing content. Easier said than done but also very necessary. Your content encourages you to build relationships with your potential clients. Providing great content doesn’t just generate leads but it retains customers. Of course, all businesses want to have repeat customers. Their loyalty is everything.

Most customers want to read good content. When your content is great, customers will read it. The more they learn about your services or products, the likelier they are to purchase them. Provide them with all the information they need but don’t make it sound too dry or unappealing. Focus on great content with personality and engaging facts. Focus on giving your audience what they want.

Set yourself apart from the competitors through your content. If you pay mind to the social platforms of your competitors (and you should), make sure that you are answering all of the questions they aren’t. For example, they may have written content regarding a similar service but forgot to include important factors. It is up to you to create a piece that fills in those blanks and answers all of your audience’s questions.

Content is crucial to each step of the marketing funnel. Remember when we discussed marketing funnels in a previous episode? Well, content is extremely important in all three steps.

Here’s an example…

TOFU- The content included in this funnel should clearly define your service as

to educate your customers and help them decide what services they need.

MOFU- This part of the funnel should include content that describes each

Service, helping them to learn about the different options available.

BOFU- This is where the content should give your potential client an extra nudge

to purchase services through your business.

Content supports almost all alternative digital marketing efforts. From social media platforms to web content, email marketing to advertising, content is IMPORTANT!

As you can see, content marketing is absolutely useful in improving your conversions as well as other aspects of your marketing efforts. Find great writers or do it yourself but make sure that you are writing amazing content that is of true value to your audience.

Be sure to tune into next week’s episodes where I’ll show you….

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