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30 | 5 Smart Steps to Building Your Part-Time Coaching Business

“How do I build a part-time coaching business?”

You’ve solved a problem in your life and you’ve been toying around with the idea of start a coaching business while spinning around in circles at your corporate work desk or pulling your hair out in boredom at home while you’re piled under endless amounts of laundry and sippy cups dreaming about starting a new career that sparks joy.

Well my friend, if you are ready to start doing meaningful work and to positively change lives as a coach, stay tuned because in this episode of the online business clinic I’m sharing 5 smart ways to build your part-time coaching business.

It can be stressful to think about how you are going to do it and still make enough money to live, and you’ve probably wondered if it’s really possible to do both.

I’m here to tell you, it is!

A common fear that often times holds us back from taking action is thought it must be all-or-nothing, but that simply doesn’t have to be the case when it comes to business building.

Now I get it the idea of venturing off on your own to start a business can be equally thrilling and terrifying. Potentially walking away from steady pay, 401k, health care benefits, etc is nerve wracking.

I get it, I’ve been there.

But when it comes to building a health coaching business you don’t have to blindly jump in with both feet and hope that you float. You can do it in baby steps. In fact, I encourage this. There’s no need to kick your corporate gig to the curb just yet.

I get that you’re daydreaming about being your boss, and you will be if you’re willing to do the work. But you don’t have to do it at the expense of losing your benefits and steady paycheck.

The truth is, it takes money to build a business. So if you can start building your coaching business as a part-time side-hustle consistently, you’ll be winning - BIG TIME!

I won’t sugar coat it, working a full-time job and building a part-time business won’t be easy, but if you truly wish to have created and financial freedom in your life, it is worth it.

It all comes down to your personal goals, desires, needs, preferences, circumstances, and priorities.

Once you’ve had success with your coaching practice, you can decide if you want to turn it into a full-time gig, or continue with a part-time schedule.

Here are 5 smart steps to help you build your part-time coaching practice on the side:

1. Set Clear Goals

Before you start to build your part-time practice, begin with the end in mind and then set an attainable goal that will help to amplify your business building confidence. Setting overly ambitious goals that may burn you out, so choose wisely.

  • Ask yourself how much more money would I like to make?

  • How many clients can I reasonably fit into your schedule at any given time?

As your practice evolves, revise your goals as needed. Doing so will help you stay focused and on track to growing a wildly successful business.

2. Block & Batch

The more organized you are the more efficient you’ll be. Do your best to keep your 9 to 5 work, at work, so that you don’t jeopardize your steady-paycheck and your side-hustle work in your ‘off’ hours.

Take a look at your weekly schedule and block off specific business building hours. Within those hours, block off when you’ll focus on program creation, marketing, client calls, etc.

In my experience, batched work, works best. Set specific blocks of time aside for...

  • for client calls or responding to client questions.

  • for continued business building education.

  • for payment processing, etc.

Setting clear boundaries and staying organized will serve you well, while you’re navigating working a full-time job and getting your part-time practice off the ground.

3. One Client

Spread the word around the office that you’re open for business. Acquire ONE client (all you need is one) and deliver top-notch VIP coaching to him/her ensuring that they experience a transformation (even if it’s a micro transformation). Then ask for a testimonial. Written is fine, but the video is best.

Ask your client to finish these sentences…

”What I love about working with (your name/business name) was ___.”

“I’d recommend (your name/business name) services to anyone who’s wanting to (insert transformation here) like I did.” (ie. lose 10 lbs, stop smoking, put the passion back in their marriage, etc.)

4. Social Sharing

Believe it or not, people are looking for you, your services, your unique coaching approach, but the problem is that they don’t know about you - yet.

Tell the world who you are and what you’re doing!

Share the exciting news that you’re open for business with friends, family, colleagues, local groups, and of course on social media.

Start by building a free FB business page so that you can access insights, collect payments, and have the option to run ads if you wish.

WARNING! Do keep in mind that this is a borrowed platform. I highly recommend that you make acquiring your own website a TOP priority.

5. Go Pro

Once you start earning an income from your coaching business, whether you decide to keep it as part-time side-hustle or turn it into your full-time gig, it all starts with first being able to get a steady stream of new clients consistently, so be sure to check out the Online Business Clinic Membership program.

Remember that taking the DIY route will only attract DIY clients. If you want to be taken seriously you need to go pro.

Get started by working with someone who’s been there.

Now tell us in the comments below: What would your ideal coaching practice look like?

The Online Business Clinic membership is designed for busy people who are looking for proven step-by-step strategies to help them build a profitable and portable business.

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