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25 | 3 Questions You MUST Be Able To Answer About Your Business

What’s one thing all successful business owners who have taken their passion and turned it into profit have in common? We’re talking people who own fortune 500 companies to the one-person bootstrap start-up entrepreneur.

Each of them are able to answer 3 key questions.

Small to Large business owners alike, put a lot of energy into figuring out intelligent ways to attract more clients, implementing promotional strategies, curating effective marketing content so that they can serve more people and close more sales in the shortest amount of time.

Today I want to share with you a 3 question strategy that works for the big companies right down to the startup entrepreneur.

If you are a startup entrepreneur take a moment to stop all distractions because this is one exercise you’ll want to be sure to do.

In fact, it’s critical to the health of your business.

Being able to answer these 3 questions for your business can be the difference between powering up your profits or barely breaking even.

So here goes...

QUESTION #1 - Who is your ideal client?

➟ What gender are they?

➟ How old are they?

➟ What ethnicity are they?

➟ What activities/hobbies/special interests do they enjoy?

➟ What does their daily routine look like?

➟ Do they have children?

➟ How much do they earn?

➟ Do they exercise? How often?

➟ Do they eat out? How often?

QUESTION #2 - Where do they hangout?

So I'm talking about both online and offline. If you don't know where people hang out, you can't find them and create relationships with them. Here are some ideas:

✓ Facebook groups & pages

✓ Local business groups, chambers of commerce, entrepreneurial meet-ups

✓ Neighborhoods: luxury condo and apartment buildings, corporate short stays

✓ Parents Associations of local schools

✓ Sporting complexes and clubs

✓ Fine arts venues: philharmonic, musicals, theater etc

✓ Culinary communities: wine clubs, food fairs etc

✓ Local businesses: accountants, surgeons, dentists, attorneys, car dealerships, architects, builders etc.

✓ Business conferences where you can take out a trade booth and/or speak

QUESTION #3 - How are you going to get continuous access to them?

If you desire to create a marketing funnel that brings you new clients on automatic, thoroughly answering questions one and two is vital.

Once you figure out who you are serving and how you’ll serve them you’re so close to locking in a rock-solid-strategy.

Now it’s time to consider how you can gain continuous access to them.

Perhaps you attend or host a monthly gathering either in-person or online. Maybe you focus your efforts on being a guest across multiple podcast shows or even speak at local events.

Consider partnering with a community of your ideal clients, special interest group, or business that would allow you to bring value to their audience on a regular basis.

I can tell you that the minute I figured this out, my business took off!

As you know, my ideal client is a home based health and wellness coach or small bricks and mortar health and wellness business owner. Who love to hang out in FB Groups, and also at conferences and trade shows.

Part of my marketing strategy involves speaking regularly as a special guest at live events and podcast shows with my primary focus of adding a ton of value to their audience. I have an abundant flow of new ideal clients coming into my community every day!

So - download your success sheet, fill it out and hang it up near your work space so that you can see it daily and stay focused on what matters most, your clients.


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