We all have hit a wall, both figuratively and literally (if you’ve literally hit a wall, be careful next time *wink*). For us, we’ve hit a figurative wall many of times in our lives together and it’s caused losing our motivation. If you’ve ever lost motivation, we have news for you…It’s more common than you think.
“It’s not how hard you get hit, but how hard you can get hit and STILL get up!” - Dwayne 'THE ROCK' Johnson
In pursuit of your dreams and visions, it’s not a matter of IF you’ll get knocked down, but WHEN.
In this episode, Molly Ann and I will give you three tips to help reignite that fire when it gets blown out.
Tip one, REMEMBER WHY YOU STARTED IN THE FIRST PLACE! It’s crucial to never lose sight of this.
Once you focus on your, learn to leverage it. What I mean is look for a way to make you why even more about someone else. It’s proven that as humans, we’re less likely to disappoint others that are depending on us.
Look for ways to elevate your ambition. Perhaps your endeavors are like picking low hanging fruit off the tree. Instead, look to aim higher.
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